Saturday 29 November 2008

Handbook of Prefabricated Home Construction Systems

Short Description: This handbook of Prefabricated Home Construction Systems illustrates the variety of systems that exist, but should not be considered a complete list.

Content Inside: Introduction Prefabricated components have been used in house and apartment construction for many years. Once these com- ponents have been delivered to the building site, however, they are often assembled in a relatively unsophisticated manner. Construction couldbemadefaster, simpler and less expen- sive ifprefabricated components were designed and used as part of an overall construction system.

A number of these systems are in use already, or will soon be available. To better evaluate the potential for prefabricated home construction systems, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) developed a handbook describing the major types of systems available from around the world.

Content of Page: 2 Pages

Handbook of Prefabricated Home Construction Systems:
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