Planit has been planned for your projects wherever they may be. Create your own space, the possibilities for use are infi nite. Imagine what you want to use it for, put your ideas into an harmonious and versatile form. Light and colours outside take a place in everyday life and pass on emotion and well-being. Open up your horizons. Live every day in harmony with the environment.

There is a new way to live in the middle of the nature without renouncing your taste for personal design. In contact with nature the materials make a difference and every day you appreciate more the quality of your life. The living quality comes from using the best construction materials. The prefabricated modular structure is in lamellar fi r wood made exclusively with glues free of formaldehyde. The internal heating and noise insulation is fi rst class. The large windows are double glazed.

The walls, roof and attics are fi tted with insulating layers in natural materials. The internal coverings are in gypsum fibre. The external walls are fi tted with impregnated rhomboid pine wood-boards that can be painted in various colours. The ironwork folds completely away. The fl oors in solid wood complement the elegant and luminous design, ideal for giving space to all your projects.